QR code and Interior Management System

Good, structured and accessible product data is important to be able to carry out recycling projects and extend the life of your interior. Our offer for QR code & Interior Management System makes your product data available and also facilitates error reporting, additions and managing the product life cycle. You can more efficiently plan and follow up service work and investments.

We offer two different levels. One with only a QR code and one with an inventory portal through our partner Trail.

Get better control of your existing interior!

  • Inventory & document

  • Mark it with a QR code


In connection with an inventory and / or delivery of new furnishings, the detailed product information is compiled and documented.

The information is stored in a QR code that is attached to the product.

The collected information and labeling of products contributes, among other things. a to a good control and facilitates in case of error reporting and / or completion of a new product.

We at Senab support you throughout the process and help you with the tools.

Interior Management system, Trail

  • A total solution - information about location, value

  • Easy to administer yourself


Together with Trail, Senab offers a complete Interior Management System where you can gather all your assets in a structured way.

In the system, you can follow the entire life of the product. Make fault reports, follow service matters, where the product is located. Inventory an entire room at the touch of a button, etc.